


Communal saving at its best, for you and your trybe.

How BucksTrybe Works

Innovate Your Savings Group

Download BucksTrybe on AppStore or PlayStore to enjoy transparency and accountability in your savings group.

Start Your Trybe

Create your profile and fill out your KYC details in two minutes. Then, create or join a savings group to start saving with other Trybers.

Create Your Structure

Set up your mandate (appoint two initiators and approvers) and the number of votes to be met for the set mandate to stand.

Flexible Contribution System

Money can be contributed directly from the app or through a customized group payment link via the web.

Get Real-Time Information

Emails notifications inform you of every transaction within your group, eliminating fraud and fund misappropriation.

Why BucksTrybe

Saving on a neutral platform decentralizes the autonomy one or a few individuals in a group have to a collective saving.
With BucksTrybe, you can;

Don't Just Save;
Strengthen Your Saving Group

Do More Image (1)


Relationships are a currency that can become invaluable when money transactions become messy. With BucksTrybe, you can have and manage both – tangible and social currencies well.


Saving as a group does not have to become a legal issue. Buckstrybe provides you with transparency and accountability that makes contribution seamless and fraud-free.


The neutrality of BucksTrybe empowers every member of a saving group through its transparency. This makes it a more reliable way to achieve a collective goal.

Do More With BuckTrybe!

Execute Projects Together

Saving towards a project together? There is no better way to enjoy transparent savings except with BucksTrybe. Transparency and accountability are guaranteed.

Settle That Collective Bill Faster

Distance and unavailability are not a barrier to saving for a collective bill. Save for every kind of joint bill without hassle and faster with BucksTrybe.

<span data-metadata=""><span data-buffer="">Make Lifetime Memories

Move your friendships up a notch; save towards that vacation, bridal or baby shower, business, or goal with BucksTrybe.

We Are Here To Ensure
You Experience No Glitches.

Save Money
with your Community Today

Save Money
with your Community Today